CALL. 20.05.2017: La réception d'Ausone dans les littératures européennes - Nanterre (France)
LECTIO Round Table "Augustinian Florilegia"- 19-20-21/04/2017, Leuven (Belgium)
4º Forum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - 22/05/2017, Coimbra (Portugal)
CALL. 09.04.2017: 4º Forum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - Coimbra (Portugal)
The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew and ‘Oriental’ Languages On Scholarship, Science, and Society i
CALL. 20.05.2017: The Impact of Learning Greek, Hebrew and ‘Oriental’ Languages On Scholarship, Scie
Landscapes of Movement. Religious Space and Topography of the Cyclades, 8th century BCE to 8th centu
Subjects of Empire: Political and Cultural Exchange in Imperial Rome - 12-13/05/2017, Princeton, NJ
5th ISLALS Conference: Literature Squared: Metaliterary Reflections in Late Antiquity - 06-07/10/201
CALL. 15.05.2017: 5th ISLALS Conference: Literature Squared: Metaliterary Reflections in Late Antiqu