Feasting with the Greeks: Towards a Social Archaeology of Ritual Consumption in the Greek World - 12
3rd PAThs Conference "Coptic Literature in Context. The Contexts of Coptic Literature: Late Ant
Nourrir, se nourrir : enjeux de pouvoir de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge - 18-19/11/2019, Amiens (France)
ARMA VIRIQUE. La guerra y sus protagonistas durante la Antigüedad: Ayer y hoy - 14-15/03/2019, Málag
Traiter les données archéologiques tardo-antiques : approches, méthodes et traitements de l’informat
Eros in Ancient Philosophy- 03-04/05/2019, Cambridge (England)
Abitare il Mediterraneo - 28-29-30/10/2019, Bologna (Italy)
Le 12 Fatiche di Herakles. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 05-06-07-08/06/2019, Velletri (Italy)
Celebrating the Divine. Roman Festivals in Art, Religion, and Literature - 30-31/08/2019, Charlottes
Congreso Internacional "La Violencia en la Historia" - 09-10-11/10/2019, Salamanca (Spain)