19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology: Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World -
CALL. 15.03.2017 [PANELS]: 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology: Archaeology and Eco
III Congresso internacional OBSERVARE:"Para além das fronteiras. Pessoas, espaços, ideias"
CALL. 31.01.2017: III Congresso internacional OBSERVARE:"Para além das fronteiras. Pessoas, esp
21st Anniversary NMCGSA Symposium: Transformation Across Time and Space: The Near and Middle East in
CALL.27.01.2017: 21st Anniversary NMCGSA Symposium: Transformation Across Time and Space: The Near
After the Crisis: Remembrance Re-anchoring & Recovery in the Ancient World - 15-16-17/12/2016, G
Iran between the Sasanians and Early Islam - 12-13-14/12/2016, Jerusalem (Israel)
CALL. 06.01.2017: [PANEL 2 at 10th CCC] "The Rhetoric of Identity in Greek Oratory" - Mont
Waters from the Margin Strategies of Water Management in Dry Regions and Marshy Environments in the