Intertextuality in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica - 18/12/2015, London (England)
BES Autumn Colloquium 2015 - 14/11/2015, London (England)
Cambridge Ancient History Seminars - 12-19-26/10, 02-09-16-23-30/11/2015, Cambridge (England)
Cambridge Classical Archaeology Seminar - 13-20-27/10, 03-10-17-24/11/2015, Cambridge (England)
Newcastle Classics and Ancient HIstory Seminars - 14-21-28/10, 04-18-25/11, 02-07/12/2015, Newcastle
Roman Space and Urbanism Postgraduate Workshop - 11/11/2015, Canterbury (England)
Leicester seminars - 27/01, 03-10-17-24/02, 09-16/03, 27/04, 04-11/05/2016, Leicester (England)
Systems of Style in Ancient Rhetoric and Literary Criticism - 14-21-28/10, 04-11-18-25/11, 02/12/20
APGRD Seminar Series: Reception & Scholarship - 02-12-19-26/10, 02-09-16-23-30/11, Oxford (Engla
Reading Research Seminars - 07-14-21-28/10, 11-18-25/11, 02/12/2015, Reading (England)