Craft process & cultural response: making & thinking about making in Greco-Roman antiquity -
Greek and Roman art and literature reveal a fascination with the processes of production. Literary texts and artefacts that depict and...

Power Structuralism seminar - 14-20-21/10, 03-04-10-11-24-25/11, 01-02/12/2015, Oxford (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-20-21/10, 03-04-10-11-24-25/11, 01-02/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Corpus Christi College (Oxford, England)...

University of Kent Classical & Archaeological Studies Autumn Seminars - 08-15-22-29/10, 11-12-19
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08-15-22-29/10, 11-12-19-26/11, 03/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Kent (Canterbury, England)...

Institute of Classical Studies: Ancient History Research Seminars - 15/10, 05-12-19-26/11, 03-10/12/
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15/10, 05-12-19-26/11, 03-10/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House, University of London (London, England)...

Classical Association of Scotland (Glasgow and West) - 26/10, 23/11/2015, 18/01, 15/02, 15/03, 20/04
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26/10, 23/11/2015, 18/01, 15/02, 15/03, 20/04/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Classics building, University of Glasgow...

Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference - 31/10/2015, Oxford (England)
The Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference aims to raise public awareness and develop understanding of the issues surrounding the...

University of Manchester: Classics and Ancient History Research Seminars - 01-08-15-22-29/10, 12-19-
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-08-15-22-29/10, 12-19-26/11, 03-10-17/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Samuel Alexanderilding, University of Manchester...

Ancient Literature and the Visual - 05-12-19-26/10, 02-09-16-23-30/11, 07/12/2015, London (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-12-19-26/10, 02-09-16-23-30/11, 07/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House, University of London (London, England)...

Institute of Classical Studies Ancient Philosophy Seminars - 12/10, 09-23/11, 07/12/2015, 18/01, 01-
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12/10, 09-23/11, 07/12/2015, 18/01, 01-15-29/02, 14/03, 16/05/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House, University of...

Royal Holloway Research Seminars - 21-28/10, 18-25/11/2015, Egham (England)
The department of Classics at Royal Holloway is delighted to invite list members to the following seminars during the autumn term....