Threshold Concepts and Teaching Ancient Religion (or: what has educational development ever done for
Educational developers are the Euripidean oistros of teaching in higher education, pushing for small changes that could accumulate into a...

Replicas in Roman Art: Redeeming the Copy? - 01-02/10/2015, Oxford (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/10/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies (Oxford, England)...

Alternative Greek Histories: Regional Perspectives - 11-12/09/2015, Leicester (England)
This round table will adopt a playful, ‘what if...’ approach to the writing of ancient Greek history, exploring alternative narratives...

CA INSET day on the History of Ancient Greece and its Teaching - 21/11/2015, Leeds (England)
The teaching of classical Greek history is rewarding – for both teacher and student -- at every level of engagement: it gives its...

Workshop: On Matter of Books and Records: Forms, Substance, Forgeries, and Meanings Beyond the Lines

Women Writing the Classics - 22/09/2015; 06-20/10/2015; 07-24/11/2015; 8/12/2015, London (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22/09/2015; 06-20/10/2015; 07-24/11/2015; 8/12/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate house (London, England)...

Open Doors by the Oxford Preservation Trust - 12-13-18-19-20/09/2015,Oxford (England)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13-18-19-20/09/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Oxford (Oxford, England) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:...

Generic Enrichment in Plutarch’s Lives: Narrative, Character, and Moralising - 28/11/2015, Oxford (E
The conference explores the literary effect of ‘generic enrichment’ (Harrison, S. (2007), Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace...

Antiquity and Photography - 10/09/2015, London (England)
​ The fantasy of capturing the ancient world on film has fired the popular imagination ever since the early 19th century. Whether...

Workshop: Materialising Poetry - 08/09/2015, Reading (England)
Recent years have seen increasing levels of interest in the material dimension(s) of poetry. Just as there appears to be defining spatial...