CALL. 31.05.2017: Fidelity of Fides: Authenticity in the Classical World - Toronto (Canada)
Royal and Other Women in the Bible and Ancient Near East -27-28/03/2017, London (England)
The second Hebrew University-Oxford University Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference: "The I
Foreign Women in the Bible and the Ancient Near East -05-06/04/2017, Jerusalem (Israel)
Subaltern Voices in Archaic and Classical Greece - 27/05/2017, Oxford (England)
MULIERES. Suggestioni e buone pratiche sulla lingua e sulla cultura latina comparate - 23/03/2017, T
Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity - 22-23/06/2017, Nottingham (England)
CALL. 14.04.2017: Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity - Nottingham (England)
Rencontre franco-italienne "L'archéologie funéraire en Italie du Sud (fin VIe - début IIIe
VIII Aula de Debate de Jóvenes Investigador@s en Temáticas de Género 2017 - 10/05/2017, Madrid (Spai