The Divinatory Series Shumma Alu - 16-17/02/2017, Geneva (Switzerland)
Le traitement : de la notion physique à ses représentations métaphoriques dans l’Antiquité gréco-rom
“Emperor and Emperorship in Late Antiquity: Images, Narratives, and Ceremonies” - 17-18/02/2017, Pam
Second Vatican Coffin Conference - 06-07-08-09/06/2017, Città del Vaticano (Vatican)
CALL. 01.03.2017: Second Vatican Coffin Conference - Città del Vaticano (Vatican)
2017 ASOR Annual Meeting - 15-16-17-18/11/2017, Boston (MA, USA)
The Orientalizing cultures in the Mediterranean, 8th-6th cent. BC. Origins, cultural contacts and lo
Los clásicos conquistan la tele - 15-16/12/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Figure del corpo nel mondo antico 17-18/11/2016, Roma (Italy)
The Other Capitals: Dynasty, Power & Culture in the Later Roman Empire - 02/11/2016, Cardiff (Wa