Greek Vases as Medium of Communication - 05-06-07/10/2017, Wien (Austria)
Every image on Greek painted vases transmits a specific content. Various thematic groups such as mythology or daily life, to mention the...

Méthodes d’interprétation de l’image antique : regards croisés - 02/05/2017, Liège (Belgium)
Si l’image est un document précieux pour l’étude des sociétés antiques, les méthodes déployées pour parvenir à son interprétation sont...

Représentations et réceptions de la figure de la sagesse dans l’Antiquité -15-16/06/2017, Lille (Fra
Le colloque souhaite démontrer comment derrière les représentations de la sagesse se cachent bien des considérations et tâtonnements qui...

Visualising War on and off the page: interplay between battle narratives across Antiquity - 14-15/0
Researchers from different specialisations within Classics will examine dialogue and cross-fertilisation between battle scenes from...

Incontro AMA-MIUR per docenti: "Noi stranieri" - 05-06/05/2017, Roma (Italy)
Pensando di fare cosa gradita, si informa che i giorni venerdì 5 e sabato 6 maggio 2017, presso il Liceo “Tito Lucrezio Caro” di Roma si...

Foreign Women in the Bible and the Ancient Near East -05-06/04/2017, Jerusalem (Israel)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06/04/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Room 2001, Rabin Building, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus,...

Nebuchadnezzar. History, Archaeology and Memory - 27/04/2017, Tel Aviv (Israel)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 27/04/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Porter Building Auditorium, Faculty of the Humanities, Tel Aviv University (Tel...

Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas. Pompeii, Herculaneum, and
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The conference focuses on the multi-faceted relationship between architecture and nature in Roman houses and villas...

![CALL. 31.03.2017: [POSTERS] Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8c2401_bd215f21f85b49f29daa7236cb61b2ca~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_325,h_244,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/8c2401_bd215f21f85b49f29daa7236cb61b2ca~mv2.webp)
CALL. 31.03.2017: [POSTERS] Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas

Colloque Graphè 2017 : Les Psaumes de David - 23-24/03/2017, Arras (France)
Au sein de l’axe TransLittéraires du centre de recherche Textes et Cultures (EA 4028) à l’université d’Artois, Graphè a pour objet...