Mind and body - 16-17/02/2019, New York (NY, USA)
CALL. 15.09.2018: Mind and body - New York (NY, USA)
CALL. 30.09.2018: [Session 1] Greco-Roman Myth in Literature and/or the Arts. Panel at NeMLA - Oxon
Interdisciplinary Conference Islands, Islandness, and Insularity - 03-04-05/10/2018, Cagliari (Italy
Synoikismos doctoral seminar - 23/10/2018, Liège (Belgium)
CALL. 02.09.2018: Synoikismos doctoral seminar - Liège (Belgium)
Le lettere scarlatte. Tabù della lingua e della letteratura nell’età contemporanea - 09-10/04/2019,
CALL. 30.10.2018: Le lettere scarlatte. Tabù della lingua e della letteratura nell’età contemporanea
Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects, from Classical Epigrams to Modern 'Light Poems' - 09/
CALL. 01.10.2018: Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects, from Classical Epigrams to Modern 'Ligh