Portraying Cicero - 15-16-17/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Cicero has exerted a durable impact on intellectual life throughout the centuries. Universally recognized as a...

CALL. 31.10.2018: Portraying Cicero - Roma (Italy)

Figure dell'altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità - 05-06-07/06/2018, Bologna (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06-07/06/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, Biblioteca Universitaria (Bologna, Italy)...

Seneca the Elder and the reemerged historiography. New research perspectives on the "Historiae
The Colloquium ‘Seneca the Elder and the reemerged historiography. New research perspectives on the Historiae ab initio bellorum...

1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas -03-04/10/2018, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS El 1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas en Chile, se llevará a cabo en Santiago los días 3-4 de agosto...

CALL. 20.05.2018: 1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas - Santiago de Chile (Chile)
go to CONGRESS El 1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas en Chile, se llevará a cabo en Santiago los días 3-4 de agosto de...

Classics and Global Humanities -11-12/10/2018, Legon (Ghana)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Keynote Speaker: Prof. Barbara Goff, University of Reading, Reading, UK. FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-12/10/2018...

CALL. 08.07.2018: Classics and Global Humanities - Legon (Ghana)
go to CONGRESS Keynote Speaker: Prof. Barbara Goff, University of Reading, Reading, UK. FECHA LÍMITE/DEADLINE/SCADENZA: 08/07/2018 FECHA...

Conflicting Chronologies in the Pre-modern World: Measuring Time from Antiquity to the Middle Ages a
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Questions of chronology in specific historical periods (e.g. ancient Greece, Augustan Rome, medieval England, the...

CALL. 15.06.2018: Conflicting Chronologies in the Pre-modern World: Measuring Time from Antiquity to
go to CONGRESS Questions of chronology in specific historical periods (e.g. ancient Greece, Augustan Rome, medieval England, the...