Women and Pilgrimage in the Ancient and Pre-Modern World - 08-09/06/2018, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
CALL. 12.01.2018: Women and Pilgrimage in the Ancient and Pre-Modern World - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Conference on Religious and Philosophical Conversion in Ancient Mediterranean Traditions (CoRPC) -25
CALL. 30.01.2018: Conference on Religious and Philosophical Conversion in Ancient Mediterranean Trad
Greek and Semitic epithets and epiclesis Seminar Noms de Dieux- 08-22/01/2018 - 05-19/02/2018 - 14-1
Ut fidem dictis adhibeant. Faith and Credibility in (Auto)Biographies from Late Antiquity to the Ear
CALL. 11.03.2018: Ut fidem dictis adhibeant. Faith and Credibility in (Auto)Biographies from Late An
Monuments and memory: Contesting identity in the Classical Landscape - 21/04/2018, Berkeley (CA, USA
CALL. 01.01.2018: Monuments and memory: Contesting identity in the Classical Landscape - Berkeley (C
Administrative and Cultic Aspects of Centralization in Ancient Israel. Archaeological and Biblical P