CALL. 15.04.2017: Reading the Gospel of Mark in the Twenty-first century: method and theory - Leuven
VIII Congresso AISU: La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e trasformazione - 07-
CALL. 12.03.2017: VIII Congresso AISU: La città, il viaggio, il turismo. Percezione, produzione e tr
Ancient civilisations in relation to The Two Lands. The 4th International Post-graduate Conference T
CALL. 21.04.2017: Ancient civilisations in relation to The Two Lands. The 4th International Post-gra
Clay Oil-Lamps in the Eastern Roman Empire: Production, Distribution, and Artistic Design - 13-14-15
CALL. 30.04.2017: Clay Oil-Lamps in the Eastern Roman Empire: Production, Distribution, and Artistic
AMPHORAE XI- 12-13-14/07/2017, Sydney, (Australia)
CALL. 31.03.2017 AMPHORAE XI - Sydney, (Australia)
Darmstädter Diskussionen - 20-21-22-23/09/2017, Darmstadt (Germany)