CALL. 07.08.2018: International PhD Student Conference Laetae segetes VI - Brno (Czech Republic)
What is Early Latin? - 10-11/07/2018, St Andrews (Scotland)
Something Old, Something New: The Reception of Classics in Modern and Contemporary Songwriting -14/
CALL. 05.07.2018: Something Old, Something New: The Reception of Classics in Modern and Contemporary
Figure dell'altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità - 05-06-07/06/2018, Bologna (Italy)
The 15th Conference of the Classical Association and FIEC - 04-05-06-07-08/07/2019, London (England)
Scrittori che traducono scrittori. Traduzioni 'd'autore' da classici latini e greci nell
Ἀρχή and origo: The Power of Origins - 02-03-04/05/2019, Newcastle (England)
CALL. 15.06.2018: Ἀρχή and origo: The Power of Origins - Newcastle (England)
I Congresso Internacional: Inovação Docente. Instrumentos e Ferramentas na Investigação das Línguas