Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages VII. Neighbours or Strangers? Conflict, Negotiation, and
CALL 31.10.2017: Passages from Antiquity to the Middle Ages VII. Neighbours or Strangers? Conflict,
Historical approaches to later Latin literature -08-09/09/2017, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The CARC Workshop 2017. Transmission: The Migration of Iconography in Classical Art - 28-29/09/2017,
V Jornadas de Estudios Patrísticos. Historia e Historiografía cristianas: Antigüedad, Medioevo, Mode
CALL. 13.08.2017: V Jornadas de Estudios Patrísticos. Historia e Historiografía cristianas: Antigüed
Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo - 05-06-07/02/2018, Roma (Italy)
CALL. 06.10.2017: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo -Roma (Italy)
III Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores. "Mundo hispánico: cultura, arte y socieda
CALL. 03.07.2017: III Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores. "Mundo hispánico: cultu