![Classical Association Conference 2018 [CA 2018] -06-07-08-09/04/2018, Leicester (England)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8c2401_fdd8e88638a74eb58e97126f28a09e9a~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_325,h_244,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/8c2401_fdd8e88638a74eb58e97126f28a09e9a~mv2.webp)
Classical Association Conference 2018 [CA 2018] -06-07-08-09/04/2018, Leicester (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS go to CALL FOR PAPERS 2 go to CALL FOR PAPERS 3 go to CALL FOR PAPERS 4 Leicester's School of Archaeology and...

The Age of ‘Hero’s: Eroticism and Cultural History in Imperial Greek Epic - 03-04/07/2017, Cambridge
We are pleased to announce the conference ‘The Age of ‘Hero’s: Eroticism and Cultural History in Imperial Greek Epic’ from 3rd-4th July...

XXIII Convegno Internazionale dell´Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana - 22-23-24/06/2017, Spello (I
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23-24/06/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sala del Rescritto, Antico Palazzo Civico, Piazza della Repubblica (Spello,...

Colloque de l'AFPMA (Association Française pour la Peinture Murale Antique) - 24-25/11/2017, Arl
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 24-25/11/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Musée Départemental Arles Antique (Arles, France) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATOR...

"Hortus inclusus": Expanding Boundaries of Space and Time - 27-28/06/2017, Roma (Italy)
This conference aims to deepen historical and environmental understanding of garden landscapes in the Roman empire, and tshape the...

Epistula Narrans. Narrative Modelling in Latin Epistolography - 05-06-07/07/2018, Tübingen (Germany)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Stories are everywhere. Every day, we are narrating stories on countless occasions and in most different contexts....

CALL. 24.09.2017: Epistula Narrans. Narrative Modelling in Latin Epistolography - Tübingen (Germany)

Encounters with Elites in the Ancient World. Leadership, Lifestyles, Legitimacy - 30-31/08 - 01/09/2
En la historia del Mediterráneo antiguo, la interacción entre estatus social y organización política constituye un lugar común. Pero sólo...

Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? -29-30/06-01-02/07/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS [POSTERS] Der Sonderforschungsbereich 1136 "Bildung und Religion in Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums und seiner Umwelt...
![CALL. 05.06.2017 [POSTERS]: Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? - Göttingen (Germany)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8c2401_ac19afb90ba444f49922b2eb98dbc59e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_325,h_244,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/8c2401_ac19afb90ba444f49922b2eb98dbc59e~mv2.webp)
CALL. 05.06.2017 [POSTERS]: Was ist Bildung in der Vormoderne? - Göttingen (Germany)
go to CONGRESS Der Sonderforschungsbereich 1136 "Bildung und Religion in Kulturen des Mittelmeerraums und seiner Umwelt von der Antike...