Hacks, Quacks and Impostors: Affected and Assumed Identities in Fiction - 17/11/2017, Freiburg (Germ
CALL. 20.08.2017: Hacks, Quacks and Impostors: Affected and Assumed Identities in Fiction - Freiburg
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 3] -04/2018-05/2018-06/2018, London (England)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 2] -01/2018-02/2018-03/2018, London (England)
CALL. 31.08.2017: Classical Association Conference 2018 - Leicester (England)
Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers - 15/09/2017, London (England)
CALL. 21.07.2017: Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers - London (England)
St. Ambrose of Milan: (Re-)Constructing Community. An Interdisciplinary and International Conference
CALL. 01.10.2017: St. Ambrose of Milan: (Re-)Constructing Community. An Interdisciplinary and Intern
Visual Culture of the Classical World at Durham: a research conversation day - 23/06/2017, Durham (E