CALL. 31.05.2019: Ludi Plautini Sarsinates VIII. Characters on Stage: The meretrix - Sarsina (Italy)
From Antiquity to Modernity. Performing Greek and Roman Drama in Modern Europe - 22-23-24-25-26/05/2
Lexicographer: History of a Profession from Antiquity to the Present - 13/06/2019, München (Germany)
CALL. 15.04.2019: Lexicographer: History of a Profession from Antiquity to the Present - München (Ge
Autun capitale des langues anciennes - 30-31/03/2019, Autun (France)
Alteritas Training School "Digitalization of Epigraphical Objects and Computer Tools for the St
CALL. 30.03.2019: Alteritas Training School "Digitalization of Epigraphical Objects and Compute
Contested Authorships in Latin Literature and Beyond - 29-30/03/2019, Urbana-Champaign (IL, USA)
Les «lieux» de l’épigramme latine tardive : vers un élargissement du genre -23/03/2019, Paris (Franc
Temporalities, Ideologies, Poetics: Ancient and Early Modern Perspectives -12-13/09/2019, Venezia (I