Rhetoric Discourse and the Communicative Mind International conference - 07-08-09/06/2017, Lisboa (P
2nd International Forum LC-UCY of Young Researchers - 08/06/2017, Nicosia (Cyprus)
CALL. 03.04.2017: 2nd International Forum LC-UCY of Young Researchers - Nicosia (Cyprus)
Sapiens Ubique Civis V - 30/08-01,02/09/2017, Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 21.05.2017: Sapiens Ubique Civis V - Szeged (Hungary)
Epitome. From Fragmentation to Re-composition (and back again) - 23-24-25/05/2017, Ghent (Belgium)
CALL. 18.06.2017: Epitome. From Fragmentation to Re-composition (and back again) - Ghent (Belgium)
Teach the Teachers Workshop - 14-15-16/08/2017, Boston, Ma (USA)
CALL. 17.03.2017: Teach the Teachers Workshop - Boston, Ma (USA)
[Panel at the Modern Language Association Convention] Literary Wordplay with Names - 04-05-06-07/01/