CALL. 30.04.2020: The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: a philosophical and rhetorical novel from Late Ant
The Theory and Practice of Cosmic Ascent: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches - 19-20/06/20
CALL. 01.04.2020: The Theory and Practice of Cosmic Ascent: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approa
Animus, anima, animalia – Yesterday, today, tomorrow - 16-17/05/2020, Bucarest (Romania)
CALL. 01.04.2020: Animus, anima, animalia – Yesterday, today, tomorrow - Bucarest (Romania)
The Logic and Perception of Persuasion in Ancient Stoicism - 20-21-22/05/2020, Canterbury (England)
CALL. 30.03.2020: The Logic and Perception of Persuasion in Ancient Stoicism - Canterbury (England)
Congreso Internacional "TRANSLATIO SENECÆ. Las traducciones ibéricas de Séneca en su ámbito rom
UK-IVR 2020 Annual Conference "Law, Rationality and Practical Reason: Ancient and Contemporary
CALL. 15.03.2020: UK-IVR 2020 Annual Conference "Law, Rationality and Practical Reason: Ancient