Congreso Internacional "Lived Ancient Religion in North Africa (LARNA)" - 19-20-21/02/2020
CALL. 30.06.2019: Congreso Internacional "Lived Ancient Religion in North Africa (LARNA)"
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL 2019) - 13-14/06/2019, Leeds (England)
VII Seminario Interdepartamental de Ciencias de la Antigüedad - 22-23-24/04/2019, Sevilla (Spain)
Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference - 07-08/06/2019, Exeter (England)
CALL. 01.04.2019: Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference - Exeter (England)
Conflict (16th Annual PGF Conference) - 16/05/2019, Newcastle (England)
CALL.29.03.2019: Conflict (16th Annual PGF Conference) - Newcastle (England)
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting - 23-24-25-26/11/2019, San Diego (CA, USA)
CALL. 06.03.2019: [PANEL 1] Historiography and the Hebrew Bible (SBL 2019) - San Diego (CA, USA)